Answers to Your Questions
We understand that you may have some questions. That's why we've compiled a list of commonly asked questions and answers. If you can't find what you're looking for, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're happy to help.
How much do the programs cost?
We do our best to offer our programs at no cost to the facilities as our team and performers are volunteers to the program.
Volunteering with Us
Where are the programs?
The programs are usually around the Greater Boston area. Participants are responsible for their own transportation.
We welcome volunteers of all ages! If you are a student and would like to connect with elders please fill out this form. http://tiny.cc/Enliven
If you are an adult and would like to volunteer with us, please email us at info@enlivenup.org
Students under the age of 18 years, must be accompanied by a parent or a gaurdian at all times during the programs.
Will I get Service Credit / Volunteer Hours?
You will get an email to you or your school administrator confirming the hours of time you have volunteered and helped serve the senior community. Enliven is a volunteer run group and not a registered non profit, however, most schools in the Boston area acknowledge and accept an endorsement from Enliven. Please check with your school administrator if you have concerns.